Adding item information

The extra object

The extra object is optional and can be used to show the details of your item.

The options you can pass to the object are:

author_image_urlStringThe URL of the author's avatar
authorStringThe name of the author
image_urlStringThe URL of the item's image. Otherwise, the default image will be shown
nameStringThe name of the item
headerStringCustom text at the top of the widget that is shown instead of Buy {category}
categoryStringThe category of the item.
If category and header are not provided, the default value will be Buy Token
Here is how the widget looks with the default parameters:

const widget = new WertWidget({
  extra: {
    item_info: {
      author_image_url: "string", //Example:
      author: "Item's Author",
      image_url: "string", //Example:
      name: "Item's Name",
      category: "Item's Category",
      header: "Custom Header",

Screens displaying item information

Order Details:

Payment error screen:

Order history:

Documentation related to this page